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Foster & Adoptions:
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Op Shop:
Gutter Kitties is Auckland's largest no-kill cat rescue, run by volunteers, and relying entirely on donations to make a difference to the lives of Auckland's street cats. We maintain high standards of animal welfare, professionalism and integrity, and work with other rescue centres and entities as required. We also strive to educate the public and promote responsible pet ownership.
We pride ourselves in running a no-kill shelter, and dedicate our time and efforts to rescuing timid, anxious and/or undersocialised cats.
A no-kill shelter is defined as "a shelter that does not kill healthy or treatable animals". It does not matter if an animal is old, unsocialised, blind, deaf, traumatized or has a treatable illness. All of these animals are worthy of our compassion, all of them can find homes, and all of them deserve to."
Gutter Kitties is an Incorporated Charitable Trust. Founder and Chair Danielle Howard started rescue work in 2003, and Gutter Kitties was finally established as a Trust at the beginning of 2012.
Gutter Kitties is a Charitable Trust and is registered with the Charities Commission (CC47721).
Thank you to the below vets for supporting our organisation!

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